Futuristic Tropical City

Have you ever wonder how would life be in the future. Flying Cars, Floating Islands, maybe even a Tropical Paradise of the Future. The possibility was endless, well this all change when we all did a little growing up.

Prehistoric Times are Forever Over

Just imagine what would we do without technology. No more computerize entertainment, traveling is changed, video games gone, cellphones/ facebook are not in the way of people talking face to face, and forget about the new generation of music.

Boundaries were Broken

Most people that it was impossible to go to space. Actually some geniuses said it was impossible to go into space. It just show we humans can make or do almost anything.

What will we create Next

The world has created so many things what will we do next.

All great Creation comes with a Price

Sadly all these great things are hurting our world. People think that what they do isn't hurting them. Also just because they make a lot of money off one thing means that by the time pollution takes a big impact they'll be dead.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Adventure of Gurgi

Long ago, in a far away place called Cloud Mountain, lived no one. Many people went to this island interested in the cloud on to of the mountain, but no one has returned. So every year one brave soul goes up the mountain and attempt to find out the secret. Many have tried all has failed. Some foreigners believed that its a spiritual being coming to rescue them and others believe that its all just a lie and people found paradise there and don't want to leave. Who or what is in the smoke no one knows.

Years has passed and no one has come in contact with Cloud Mountain. Its been so long they are now believing its a myth. Amazingly, on this day 12,12,12 a child has been born. Not any child but half human and half animal. This is nothing anyone has seen before, they don't know what this symbolizes. The parents quickly ran to a psychic and asked them, "what is this, what does it mean?" They had many more questions but that was the question that seemed right. The psychic replied," I have seen this once before, this creature is called Gurgi. Half Human and Half Animal represents Worship-able demons. Please don't worry though I can get rid of all the demons within this man-beast." The psychic woman threw weird dust and waved weird sticks around Gurgi. Something went wrong though and all the evil that was in Gurgi went inside the psychic. Gurgi and his parents ran and the psychic killed herself before the evil went anywhere else.
When Gurgi was born he didn't live in a huge place like New York or Japan. He lived in a village with less than 100 people. Good thing Gurgi knew all the animals and spoke all there languages because he had about 300 friends. Well this village was broken down and barely standing, it was made by hand from all the people in the village. Everyone was friendly though and everyone knew each other. Gurgi really didnt know English his first year, so his parents taught him and he learned quickly. Gurgi grew extremely fast but for some reason he stayed alive. More years passed and he was still there living pass generation of people. Gurgi started becoming depressed because he felt like he was doing nothing with his life.

While Gurgi was taking his usual evening walk when he over hears something. Kiaga and Dada are chattering and Gurgi hears Kiaga say,"Did you hear about that Cloud Mountain story. Dada replied, " no what about it?"  Kiaga continued, " Its about a hidden secret within the clouds that no one has found because every person that tried to see never returned. Who ever got see it whats inside would probably become famous!" Gurgi thought long and hard, what would feel to be famous, to actually have meaning in his boring life.

With determination in his eye, he started to march. He walked into his room and packed his bag with the basic necessity, water, food, map, stuff animal that his mom gave him, and first aid kit. He strapped on his bag and started to walk. He was still determined and restless to become famous or die trying. As he walked all the way to the end of the island he relized he has no idea where he is going. In embarrassment he walked all the way back to ask Kiaga, " Where did you hear about this island?"
He responded by point on the map where to go. Gurgi thanked him and walked away. He made a boat since Cloud Mountain was in the middle of the ocean.

Once he got settled he checked everything twice just to make sure for any mistake. When everything was checked he marched in strength to the end of the island and pushed his boat to sea. As he paddled to the area he brought a few of his fish friends with him. They chatted and kept him company but he never told them where he was going because he knew they would talk him out of it. So whenever he ran out of food they would give him some plant because he was a vegetarian. It took him about 3 weeks to get there.

What he thought when he first saw the cliff.
Gurgi thanked the fish for all there help and they left. He tied his boat off and started to climb the cliffs. He knew that no one had lived to tell what was behind the cloud but still he climbed. Not knowing what to expect he took his first step into the cloud and heard a HUGE roar. Which meant, " Get out or esle!" Gurgi responded," by telling him he was a friend and wanted to help." The thing did not respond so Gurgi took one last look of the horizon and stepped into the cloud. He kept going till he reached the center which was surprisingly cloudless. A strange white monster appeared.

At first Gurgi was afraid. The monster started to walk towards him but Gurgi fell on his back. The monster did a quiet roar, meaning," What are you doing here sir this is my house." Gurgi responded," by saying I'm half human and half animal my name is Gurgi and I'm only here to help." "My name is Yate" she said, "This is my home." They had a short chat and Gurgi found out the Yate was only protecting her babies because whenever HUMANS can through the cloud the babies would begin to die. So what Gurgi did was put up tons of signs with the wood from the boat to say, " please do not enter cloud babies on board." People pretty much got the message and Yate thanked Gurgi and he returned home to tell his amazing story that no one believed. So now Gurgi is a hero in the eye of one, and just Gurgi to the eyes of everyone esle.

Thursday, December 6, 2012



Another boring day at school, its 2:00 and I see my self staring into clocks very devious ticks and tocks. Meanwhile, my substitute teacher is teaching nothing just as his job is made to do. I ask him, “can I go to the bathroom". He hesitated but said, “yes". I ran out of school as fast as I can. I see that at everything is so dark like but it’s about 2:15. I decided to walk to Walmart for no reason and I took a tunnel system to get there. It was creepy and blood on the floor but it didn't bother me. Once I got there the doors were locked and some guy with huge arm opened it for me and quickly closed it behind me. In Walmart I see a long line for some video game that just came out and a flat screen with the news on it basically saying, “that I was DEAD!"
DArk Twin Blades-Shadow's DMswordsnormal-1.jpg
Closest thing to the Shadow beast that i could find its the little black thin in the bottom left

I was scared and thought, “To myself how can I be dead!” I walk out of Walmart so confused and I see a man running so fast past me and a monster with spikes coming out his backs chasing after us. The man in front of me ran so fast and I could catch up. I see the monster catching up to us and I ran out the door as fast as I can but he jumped on top of me and started stabbing me with his claws. I fell to the ground I remember seeing a bright light and I could still see the monster talk with some guy. I really couldn’t understand them and my eyes closed shut. I awake in a pod not sure if that was a dream, and a robot saying “health at 100%”. Last thing I knew is a hologram started speaking to me and I walked out the door and saw it was still very dark even at 8:00am.
I thought of what this dream could possibly mean. Me being dead on the news or the hologram women and especially the demon shadow thing chasing me. The only guess i came up with is running from fear of something. So i looked everything up it said nothing about holograms, but it said dreams about death is a sign of wanting to start over or having a fresh start. It also a man said quote, "You need spiritual help. A dream that occurs like that in my culture means that there are different spirits effecting you for one reason or the other and you need to take some steps to solve it." So whatever that dream met all I know It was creepy

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Hero Dog News Report

        Reporter talking: Hello my name is Larry with ABC news. On March 11 2011, a humongous tsunami hit japan, it completely demolished the whole country killing over 15,839. Thankfully, one blind man in particular was saved.  I have him now to tell his story." 
         Chan saying," The night of the tsunami, I was sleeping like any ordinary day. The ground started to shake and i did not  feel it in my sleep. My seeing eye dog repeatedly jump on top of me and woke me up. Without knowing he put his leash in my hand and started to pull me out of the house. We were about to leave and my one floor house just collapse on to my right leg. It was just laching onto me. I was very scared and I thought this was my last few moments, I though I was going to die. I didn't know where my dog was or what was happening but all i heard was scratching. Through the rubble my dog broke wood just to get to me. I knew it was just to get to me just know it was. I started to  pull my self up and I think I was standing on my ,one floor, house, but i cant be too sure. My dog again put the leash in my hand and began to run extreamly fast. Just dragging me basically.


            Reporter:  "Then what happen."

Chan unsurely said, " I think I heard water. Not like a water hose or rain. I just mean WATER. Lots and lots of water. I remember my dog pulling so fast that i would even fall some times. Then my shoes started to get soak and my toes starting to fill with water. All of a sudden a huge a wave lifted me and my dog up off our feet and I could not breath at all. I remember struggling for my life and I can still feel my dog tugging me. So i follow along and last thing I knew I felt a wet ball of fur push me into a some sort of building and the leash just flew off my hand. 

   Reporter; "So you lost your dog in the tsunami"
Chan surprisingly said , " WHAT! WE WERE IN A TSUNAMI. Oh my god i hope everyone is okay. Wait i got to call my family"
         Reporter, " Yes sir we are okay even though your still in a foot of water and almost every building in this city is broken but yeah we are okay. And so do you have a picture of your dog."

Chan responded, " Yea here you go."
       Reporter, " Okay here guys if you see or come in contact with this dog please contact us at ***-***-****  any information would help us greatly."

As Chan the blind man continue his story, "As i was in the story some man grab my hand and he started pulling me upstairs, I felt the water go up to my waist before he pulled me up in seconds. We ran together up as fast as we could. I got up to what i thought was a bedroom and me and three other people walk to the balcony. It wasnt as if i can see anything but i heard huge buildings falling and lots of water rushing through. Last thing I knew a rock came through the window and hit me on the head and I got knocked out.

Reporter: "Well that was a sad story and I thank you for your time." "Okay everyone once again if you see or get in contact with this dog please contact ***-***-****, thank you from ABC news."
  Just a hours later the phones started ringing off the hook. Calling for the dog and asking if they can help find another people's dogs. After that, just a few weeks later the dog was caught on a few security cams and Animal rescue stepped in immediately. They chased the dog for a day and finally got him. They found out he was being starved and very dehydrated. Then they gave him food and water as quickly as possible also they gave him a nice cozy blanket. The next day, the blind man named Chang came for his dog. Rushing to see his dog as soon a possible, well of course not literally. Once they felt each others presents again, it felt like it was from a movie how they slowly run after each other. It was a very monumental moment, this moment was so amazing my allergies started acting up. They gave each other a huge hug and Chang went off with a smile on his face. Report: Larry here with Chang and his dog. As you can see he is extreamly happy to have the return of his dog. As they walk away I don't know what will become of these two, but I know the rode to recover for Japan is going to start right now. This Reporter Larry with ABC news signing off.

most-powerful-photograph (35)
A dog is reunited with his owner following the tsunami in Japan in 2011.

Describe: As you can see in the tons of carnage happened in the background. Though there are most likely houses or building that fell and the people of Japan are just starting to recover. In the foreground (the front of the picture) its a man sobbing in joy for what seems to be his dog. Also the man on the right is receiving his dog and the man on the right was the one that rescued the dog. I am not very sure what the man on the left is holding but it looks like a type of bucket or tray to get water out his house. Lastly, on the right and the left you see Chinese or Japanese writing, but i think is Japanese because that is the most recent tragedy.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Crab and Turtle War

Long ago in Christmas Island, Australia the island was claimed by Lord Brad the crab and his colony of red crabs. Before he came, you can see all the beautiful green and yellow palm trees, the waves washing up the shore so calmly, and all the perfectly placed rock formation through out the island. All the animals were getting along, and the tourist loved the area. Everything was going perfectly.

Sadly, Lord Brad and his colony evaded the area in 1982. With claws sharpened and shells hardened they went through the city. Marching one by one they chopped down almost every tree as if they were toothpick. Of course the animals tried to defend there land, but the crabs were over powered and came in such high numbers. In 1983 the island gave up to the all mighty army of red crabs and Brad the crab became Lord of the island. Every year though on October all the crabs are weak because of there migration to the beach to populate more crabs.

Years has passed and you can say things has advance. Its the year 2025 and everything has change. Civilization now has hover cars of course, jet packs for all sizes runny from baby to senior, and animals can now talk!  The most important of all is plans to overthrow Lord Brad is under way. Now that animals can communicate with other species, the Red-footed Boobies have been sending distress calls to the Turtle Squad.
File:Red-footed booby.jpg

This letter from 2012 states

Dear Sergeant Squirtle,
we need your help the crabs they are starting to reach millions, our food supply is almost out, and trees are nearly gone. We need your help come fast. There is not much time left for us here, all the animals that are able to swim or fly will be evacuating soon. You guys are our last hope. S.O.S

Red-Footed Boobies

In 2013 the turtle squad had came and built a huge underwater base. Some how for turtles they really fast. They also managed to keep most of the trees alive through the journey. The Red-Footed Boobies still awaited for there rise to the surface but it just seemed as if they weren't doing anything. They didn't know that Sergeant Squirtle and his tech crew has been advancing there weaponry and armor. Now the moment has come.

 On October 2025, the crabs gathered together on the beach as they always do on October. Just multiplying to almost the billions now. If their eggs are able to hatch this year there is no stopping them now. Meanwhile,  Lord Squirtle was giving his war speech saying, " I would like to thank everyone of you for coming to fight this battle. I have never met a stronger crew then you guys. I'm going to be honest with you soldiers, the odds are against us, and most of might not come  back alive. But i know we have the courage, and the heart, and the weapons to win this battle! So who's with me! The crew answered, " Hora!"

As the turtles begin to gear up in all there armor and weapons, the crabs just stood there waiting and planning as if they knew he was coming. The underwater base began to move and lift up into the land. Once it reached land the doors opened and it was just silence. Then a large roar from both sides saying, "CHARGE!" came and both teams stampeding toward each other. Some turtles stayed back and shot there cannons. They were going out one by one so quickly that you can grab bowl and have a seafood soup in seconds. The crabs cut through the shells of turtle so quickly. Turtles shot there guns and squash the crabs with their shells. It was the battle of the century.

After ours of fighting there was only two left, (one crab one turtle) this last move would decide the fait for the whole island. Nobody moves, nobody breaths, and nobody even blinks. They slowly move toward each other. They look at each other fearsomely and in a quick second and they just shake hands. This ended the war of centuries.

Years later the crab and the turtle get married. The whole island went to the wedding, and afterwards the got a little of there freak on. They eventually made babies and now the island is covered with hermit crabs. They all get along nicely, the tourist and animals came back, and all the trees are back to normal. It is now the perfect island everyone knows and love.

The End
The End

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

At Home but Still feel Homeless

           I can remember just sitting on the couch as the flickering lights of the news flash in my face. Thinking what a this storm is just going to be like hurricane Irene, I remember hearing my uncle say, " They make up storms so we can spend our money on supplies." I just laughed at his conspiracy theories. My mom got a text that my cousin is staying at the
Jersey Shore because his mom was being stubborn and didn't want to leave and he couldn't just leave here there so he decided to stay. Through most of the weather we just sat there waiting for a text, a call, or anything from my cousin. We all just kept charging our phone to hear back from anyone.
          Around 3:00 on the 14th of November the lights started flickering on and off while my sisters watched bad girls club. When the lights eventually did turn off they were so angry that they didn't get to finish. We invited my uncle to stay with us and we just talked. It felt as though we were all in a game and   our fun bar was running low. I just remember drawing and playing card games most of the time. We ran out of food because it got spoiled quickly and my fridge was literally empty. We also had to wait in line for a three hour line for gas, but lucky my sister worked at Hess.It really didn't help that everyone else on my street had power but me and a neighbor.
I visit tons of family that did have power or a generator so I can at least charge my phone. I never felt closer with my family then I did during these pass few weeks. We all sat together and ate; no one was walking to different places of the house. We played tons of games as a family and everyone was helping each other. On the news I didn't really hear any gang shoot outs, or kidnapping or anything during sandy. It is true that we come together through the worst of times.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Bubble Wraped

 Chris McCandless is saying that people spend there lives suffering because of things like the government and family. He also said that having protection and comfort is more dangerous to someone with a wild spirit. Lastly Chris believed that the joy in life is not the destination it is the adventure and experiences you encounter to get there. I do not think Chris was 100% right about this because I feel as though people to feel some conformity or security. On the other hand, I agree that the joy in life is not what you do is how you get there. If you are given things in life like money you are not really going to learn how to earn it and how it feels to come from the bottom to the top.

Chris lived by his rule in every way. In the movie “Into the Wild” there was a small part where a man ask if Chris if he had a warrant for the gun he had in Alaska, He responded by saying I don’t need the government knowing I have a gun. That was just one of many ways he show how he lives by the security and conformity part of his quote. He also went all the way to Alaska so I would count him to enjoy danger and excitement through the journey. Lastly, he absolutely loved doing this and he didn't stay in the same place for too long because if he did that’s like starting a life over again.

My whole life is conduct by security and conformity, whether it is the government or my mother overly protecting me or even teachers telling us we cant go to the bathroom. No matter where we go or where look our lives are being wrapped in bubble wrap. One time my mom would not let me walk to the store which basically right across the street. But there came a time where I said mom I KNOW HOW TO CROSS THE STREET PLEASE STOP. Sooner or later we all break out the conform stage in life and became your own man or women. I think if I every met Chris McCandless he would encourage me to become a free spirit and stop following society or something along those terms.

Poems by Moem, Hey That Rhymned

Leather Tramp's Lament

Awake in the morning with dew on my boots
Without a person in sight, a day fresh and new
Lace up my boots, another day on the trail
Pack on my back, another drifter without a care
My thumbs my companion, the road is my only friend
The traveling song on my lips can see me till the end
Cars pass me by, I can see the drivers' desperation
But it matters little to me, it's the trip, not the destination
I could walk all day, with my boots keeping the beat
To the song in my heart, taking in everything I see
Where will I sleep tonight, a field or a shack?
I don't really care, cause my home is on my back
This poem is trying to show and describe to people the life of a leather tramp, and what fun is ahead.This basically sums up the life of Christopher McCandless after 1990. He did and i think thought everything that this poem describes. He always hitch hiking and he really doesn't care much where he is going. Chris also doesn't cares too much of what happens around him because through this travel he always feel at home and accepted by himself.

Palm Trees Refrain

Yellowing palms set against
the clear blue sky.
Changing from nile green to chartreuse
as their ailments progress.

Is it the sickly air they breathe?
Is it an imported virus?
Is it polluted water?
Or, is it the insane weather pattern?

That is something
only the palms know.
But do they tell?
Never, for they are not physicians.

This is part of a poem called Palm Trees Refrain. This poem really talks about how Alex got lost in the river. It showed how the scenery was so beautiful at first and it became so dull. When Alex first started his adventure through the river into mexico he described everything he had seen so vividly. Afterwards, he became extreamly angry and scared while he was lost in mexico. He found himself alone in a polluted swamp type area which the poem describes. I know this poem was suppose to be about palm trees but i think it a great way to describe Alex's sights in the river.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Doing What it Takes to Stay on Top

Rapture in the Deep is a story about an accident during a dive or so they say... I believe the death of Audrey Mestre was no accident. It was the chance for her husband Pipin Ferreras to remain number one. Everyone knew that Audrey could dive deeper and hold her breath longer than Pipin. Even he knew this himself. Scared that his wife would break the record he panicked and tampered with her equipment.

Pipin Ferreras was an extraordinary man with an enormous amount talent. When he was a child he wasn't able to walk and decided to jump into water unattended. He was able to swim before he could even walk. So what I’m saying is he is amazingly good swimmer. So good in fact he set a world record for deepest free dive and broke his own record. He was really competitive about his record and didn't want anyone else to break his record. Not to mention he was pretty good with the ladies.

While Audrey was attempting to break her husband’s record, she was going down to break his record she had reach the balloon that should have hauled her up.  Instead the balloon didn't haul her up.  She had a sad death doing what she loved. Before all of this was happening Pipin was the man at the seen of all the equipment. A duty which his crew usually does with him instead he forced them to leave him to it. He opened the valves and closed them after he heard the hiss of air. Forgetting to check the pressure gauge. Another crucial evidence is that Pipin was rooting for his with to go deeper that she has ever done before. Pipin before the years had a lot of relationships and was hoping from one lady to another. If Audrey was one of those quick second ladies, for Pipin to play with is for you to decide.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Lost In Paridise

Puerto Rico map
Loading up the boat wasn't that easy. I've been planning to get away from this New Jersey lifestyle for 5 years now. Gathering the right supplies, what I would do, where I would go, and how I would get there. Their being something I can call peace or home. I thought the best place to go is where I felt the happiest. So Puerto Rico which is right underneath Florida is where I went.
          As I begin my journey I check for everything. My fishing rod, the first aid kit, canteen full of water, journal, camera, and the starter food. When I check everything off I pushed my boat into the water, and started the motor and away we went. It took about a month to get to Puerto Rico because I ran out of gas and had to paddle the rest. Through that time I was surviving off of my fishing skill and my bag of food. When I got their all my food was basically gone, fishing rod broken, and canteen was empty but I was still here.
           I thought the best place to go was my uncles abandon house. So I picked enough fruits from the nearest tree to fill my bag and began to walk. I took me about a week to get to my uncle's house because their wasn't too many people fond of hitchhiking. I met two very nice people, one lady and one man. The lady gave a bottle water and plate full of rice. They both didn't last long but I still appreciated it. The man gave me some old boots that didn't fit me well and a survival knife kit. In exchange I gave them each one hell of a story.
                 I can’t remember what day it is but I still feel great. I found an entrance to my uncle’s abandon house through a broken window in the back. The night was cold with only a small fire in the chimney, but I didn't mind.  The next day I come to find that my neighbors are leaving for vacation leaving their farm behind. I really didn't want to steal food but I was so hungry I think I lost 20 pounds.

                 As soon as they leave I jump the fence and climb up a tree. I made sure to pick enough food to last me about 2 days.  As I’m climbing down the tree a lizard jumps up and bites me on the hand. I lost my grip of the branch and stumbled off the tree hitting my head on a rock. 
                 The next thing I know I awoke to a dog licking my face. As I cleared out my eyes, i discovered that I'm in a breath taking cove. Unable to walk I found myself helpless. Coming towards me was a dog with something in his mouth. He comes to me and  drops an apple from his mouth right net to me. Sadly I knew and I think the dog knew that wasn't enough for me to survive here.

                  I sit there thinking of how to get out of this mess. As time wined down I realized there was nothing I could have done. I took the rest of my time looking at the beautiful colors against the walls and the fishes jumping in and out of the water. Then I suddenly realized as I took my last breath that journey was now over. I have finally found peace within myself.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Me Gusta Blog

       I enjoy this blog because its extreamly entertaining. It also makes education funner then it really is and it fun for kids or adults of all ages to enjoy. There is a post and i quote "Chanel and Louis Vuitton always burn their unslod products instead of letting it to be sold at a discount"
Which i truly find interesting.
There is also another that state that prisoners meal are more nutritious than school lunches. It also reveal facts that no one knew or thought of.

ffffound is another blog i enjoy because of its comedy that its show. It is also an informational blog that shows facts about the new creations people have made recently. It also has, well lets just say they are thousands of blogs mixed into one. So what im trying to say is it has art, facts, movie references and ,comedy as you can see here    ------->

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Crazy Ones

Think Different
     You going to have to agree that the people in life, well some of the most memorable people was being told, that this is impossible your crazy. Some how the "crazies" came out to be invetors, role models, and even famous for what they did. Take Bill Gates for example people thought maybe a place where people can search for answers or socialize is impossible but they took his internet and made it into Facebook, college courses, they even made what he did into art. I believe that kids have the wildest ideas and come up with the most extraordinary things like flying cars or maybe the internet. They dont forget about the special idea and make it reality. As well we should.