Monday, February 11, 2013


Monday: Is like a person just wakes up and go to jail for no reason at all. Everyone is looking at you as if they were going to kill you and you already know its going to be a bad day. You have no friends to help you through this and you just got to survive the day.

Tuesday: Is the tough guy that is getting his day brighten by a random stranger. Sadly the stranger is failing and you just want to punch him in the face. So overall your day was slightly better than the last.

Wednesday Things are finally brighting up for the man. He is knowing his place gaining friends and has a job. He is enjoying his life a bit more even though he is jailed.

Thursday: The man finds out he going to be free exited as can be he is jumping around to the fact that he knows tomorrow is a good day. He cant wait and does a few things he might regret but he doesn't care. Tomorrow he is a free man

Friday Is a person that just got out of jail after years. He is feeling good and visits his friends. They are all glad he is out and are happy to see him, it is a great day.

Saturday Is the person partying out because of he is out of jail. Him and his friends are having fun and drinking. They get into a few fights and leave drinking and driving. Best day ever!

Sunday The man is caught and is put unto trial. He knows he is going to go back to jail tomorrow and it sucks. He feels that it all sucks and he know the days are going to start all over again.


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