Thursday, December 6, 2012



Another boring day at school, its 2:00 and I see my self staring into clocks very devious ticks and tocks. Meanwhile, my substitute teacher is teaching nothing just as his job is made to do. I ask him, “can I go to the bathroom". He hesitated but said, “yes". I ran out of school as fast as I can. I see that at everything is so dark like but it’s about 2:15. I decided to walk to Walmart for no reason and I took a tunnel system to get there. It was creepy and blood on the floor but it didn't bother me. Once I got there the doors were locked and some guy with huge arm opened it for me and quickly closed it behind me. In Walmart I see a long line for some video game that just came out and a flat screen with the news on it basically saying, “that I was DEAD!"
DArk Twin Blades-Shadow's DMswordsnormal-1.jpg
Closest thing to the Shadow beast that i could find its the little black thin in the bottom left

I was scared and thought, “To myself how can I be dead!” I walk out of Walmart so confused and I see a man running so fast past me and a monster with spikes coming out his backs chasing after us. The man in front of me ran so fast and I could catch up. I see the monster catching up to us and I ran out the door as fast as I can but he jumped on top of me and started stabbing me with his claws. I fell to the ground I remember seeing a bright light and I could still see the monster talk with some guy. I really couldn’t understand them and my eyes closed shut. I awake in a pod not sure if that was a dream, and a robot saying “health at 100%”. Last thing I knew is a hologram started speaking to me and I walked out the door and saw it was still very dark even at 8:00am.
I thought of what this dream could possibly mean. Me being dead on the news or the hologram women and especially the demon shadow thing chasing me. The only guess i came up with is running from fear of something. So i looked everything up it said nothing about holograms, but it said dreams about death is a sign of wanting to start over or having a fresh start. It also a man said quote, "You need spiritual help. A dream that occurs like that in my culture means that there are different spirits effecting you for one reason or the other and you need to take some steps to solve it." So whatever that dream met all I know It was creepy


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