Thursday, December 13, 2012

Adventure of Gurgi

Long ago, in a far away place called Cloud Mountain, lived no one. Many people went to this island interested in the cloud on to of the mountain, but no one has returned. So every year one brave soul goes up the mountain and attempt to find out the secret. Many have tried all has failed. Some foreigners believed that its a spiritual being coming to rescue them and others believe that its all just a lie and people found paradise there and don't want to leave. Who or what is in the smoke no one knows.

Years has passed and no one has come in contact with Cloud Mountain. Its been so long they are now believing its a myth. Amazingly, on this day 12,12,12 a child has been born. Not any child but half human and half animal. This is nothing anyone has seen before, they don't know what this symbolizes. The parents quickly ran to a psychic and asked them, "what is this, what does it mean?" They had many more questions but that was the question that seemed right. The psychic replied," I have seen this once before, this creature is called Gurgi. Half Human and Half Animal represents Worship-able demons. Please don't worry though I can get rid of all the demons within this man-beast." The psychic woman threw weird dust and waved weird sticks around Gurgi. Something went wrong though and all the evil that was in Gurgi went inside the psychic. Gurgi and his parents ran and the psychic killed herself before the evil went anywhere else.
When Gurgi was born he didn't live in a huge place like New York or Japan. He lived in a village with less than 100 people. Good thing Gurgi knew all the animals and spoke all there languages because he had about 300 friends. Well this village was broken down and barely standing, it was made by hand from all the people in the village. Everyone was friendly though and everyone knew each other. Gurgi really didnt know English his first year, so his parents taught him and he learned quickly. Gurgi grew extremely fast but for some reason he stayed alive. More years passed and he was still there living pass generation of people. Gurgi started becoming depressed because he felt like he was doing nothing with his life.

While Gurgi was taking his usual evening walk when he over hears something. Kiaga and Dada are chattering and Gurgi hears Kiaga say,"Did you hear about that Cloud Mountain story. Dada replied, " no what about it?"  Kiaga continued, " Its about a hidden secret within the clouds that no one has found because every person that tried to see never returned. Who ever got see it whats inside would probably become famous!" Gurgi thought long and hard, what would feel to be famous, to actually have meaning in his boring life.

With determination in his eye, he started to march. He walked into his room and packed his bag with the basic necessity, water, food, map, stuff animal that his mom gave him, and first aid kit. He strapped on his bag and started to walk. He was still determined and restless to become famous or die trying. As he walked all the way to the end of the island he relized he has no idea where he is going. In embarrassment he walked all the way back to ask Kiaga, " Where did you hear about this island?"
He responded by point on the map where to go. Gurgi thanked him and walked away. He made a boat since Cloud Mountain was in the middle of the ocean.

Once he got settled he checked everything twice just to make sure for any mistake. When everything was checked he marched in strength to the end of the island and pushed his boat to sea. As he paddled to the area he brought a few of his fish friends with him. They chatted and kept him company but he never told them where he was going because he knew they would talk him out of it. So whenever he ran out of food they would give him some plant because he was a vegetarian. It took him about 3 weeks to get there.

What he thought when he first saw the cliff.
Gurgi thanked the fish for all there help and they left. He tied his boat off and started to climb the cliffs. He knew that no one had lived to tell what was behind the cloud but still he climbed. Not knowing what to expect he took his first step into the cloud and heard a HUGE roar. Which meant, " Get out or esle!" Gurgi responded," by telling him he was a friend and wanted to help." The thing did not respond so Gurgi took one last look of the horizon and stepped into the cloud. He kept going till he reached the center which was surprisingly cloudless. A strange white monster appeared.

At first Gurgi was afraid. The monster started to walk towards him but Gurgi fell on his back. The monster did a quiet roar, meaning," What are you doing here sir this is my house." Gurgi responded," by saying I'm half human and half animal my name is Gurgi and I'm only here to help." "My name is Yate" she said, "This is my home." They had a short chat and Gurgi found out the Yate was only protecting her babies because whenever HUMANS can through the cloud the babies would begin to die. So what Gurgi did was put up tons of signs with the wood from the boat to say, " please do not enter cloud babies on board." People pretty much got the message and Yate thanked Gurgi and he returned home to tell his amazing story that no one believed. So now Gurgi is a hero in the eye of one, and just Gurgi to the eyes of everyone esle.


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