Sunday, December 2, 2012

Hero Dog News Report

        Reporter talking: Hello my name is Larry with ABC news. On March 11 2011, a humongous tsunami hit japan, it completely demolished the whole country killing over 15,839. Thankfully, one blind man in particular was saved.  I have him now to tell his story." 
         Chan saying," The night of the tsunami, I was sleeping like any ordinary day. The ground started to shake and i did not  feel it in my sleep. My seeing eye dog repeatedly jump on top of me and woke me up. Without knowing he put his leash in my hand and started to pull me out of the house. We were about to leave and my one floor house just collapse on to my right leg. It was just laching onto me. I was very scared and I thought this was my last few moments, I though I was going to die. I didn't know where my dog was or what was happening but all i heard was scratching. Through the rubble my dog broke wood just to get to me. I knew it was just to get to me just know it was. I started to  pull my self up and I think I was standing on my ,one floor, house, but i cant be too sure. My dog again put the leash in my hand and began to run extreamly fast. Just dragging me basically.


            Reporter:  "Then what happen."

Chan unsurely said, " I think I heard water. Not like a water hose or rain. I just mean WATER. Lots and lots of water. I remember my dog pulling so fast that i would even fall some times. Then my shoes started to get soak and my toes starting to fill with water. All of a sudden a huge a wave lifted me and my dog up off our feet and I could not breath at all. I remember struggling for my life and I can still feel my dog tugging me. So i follow along and last thing I knew I felt a wet ball of fur push me into a some sort of building and the leash just flew off my hand. 

   Reporter; "So you lost your dog in the tsunami"
Chan surprisingly said , " WHAT! WE WERE IN A TSUNAMI. Oh my god i hope everyone is okay. Wait i got to call my family"
         Reporter, " Yes sir we are okay even though your still in a foot of water and almost every building in this city is broken but yeah we are okay. And so do you have a picture of your dog."

Chan responded, " Yea here you go."
       Reporter, " Okay here guys if you see or come in contact with this dog please contact us at ***-***-****  any information would help us greatly."

As Chan the blind man continue his story, "As i was in the story some man grab my hand and he started pulling me upstairs, I felt the water go up to my waist before he pulled me up in seconds. We ran together up as fast as we could. I got up to what i thought was a bedroom and me and three other people walk to the balcony. It wasnt as if i can see anything but i heard huge buildings falling and lots of water rushing through. Last thing I knew a rock came through the window and hit me on the head and I got knocked out.

Reporter: "Well that was a sad story and I thank you for your time." "Okay everyone once again if you see or get in contact with this dog please contact ***-***-****, thank you from ABC news."
  Just a hours later the phones started ringing off the hook. Calling for the dog and asking if they can help find another people's dogs. After that, just a few weeks later the dog was caught on a few security cams and Animal rescue stepped in immediately. They chased the dog for a day and finally got him. They found out he was being starved and very dehydrated. Then they gave him food and water as quickly as possible also they gave him a nice cozy blanket. The next day, the blind man named Chang came for his dog. Rushing to see his dog as soon a possible, well of course not literally. Once they felt each others presents again, it felt like it was from a movie how they slowly run after each other. It was a very monumental moment, this moment was so amazing my allergies started acting up. They gave each other a huge hug and Chang went off with a smile on his face. Report: Larry here with Chang and his dog. As you can see he is extreamly happy to have the return of his dog. As they walk away I don't know what will become of these two, but I know the rode to recover for Japan is going to start right now. This Reporter Larry with ABC news signing off.

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A dog is reunited with his owner following the tsunami in Japan in 2011.

Describe: As you can see in the tons of carnage happened in the background. Though there are most likely houses or building that fell and the people of Japan are just starting to recover. In the foreground (the front of the picture) its a man sobbing in joy for what seems to be his dog. Also the man on the right is receiving his dog and the man on the right was the one that rescued the dog. I am not very sure what the man on the left is holding but it looks like a type of bucket or tray to get water out his house. Lastly, on the right and the left you see Chinese or Japanese writing, but i think is Japanese because that is the most recent tragedy.


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