Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Heart Breaks & Remakes

We celebrate Valentine's Day, because a man named Saint Valentine. He was a priest in the 3rd century who performed secret marriages when the Roman Emperor Claudius II thought single soldiers were more likely to enlist in the army. Emperor Claudius thought if the soliders didnt have a loved one waiting for them or worring for the solider they would more likely stay in the army longer. They found out Saint Valentine was doing this so they jailed him first. It was rumored that he gavr back a womans eye sight during the jail. While jailed he wrote a letter sayig i declare today as valetines day for couples everywhere. Afterwards he was killed. Christians saw Valentine's Day as a way to honor St. Valentine. So they kept it and made it a national holiday. 

The graph shows that april has a descent amount of break ups because most people fool around and make jokes. Most people take the joke to far causing a break up. There is also a huge amount of breakups during Christmas and New years because the stress of the holidays and what they do on new years cause a great amount of break ups. Lastly, a large amount of break ups are caused during spring break because people want to be free and have fun but they usually are tied down and do things people regret.

2012 Happy Valentine Day no95462


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