Thursday, March 14, 2013

¡ʇuɹǝɟɟıp buıʞuıɥʇ

People generally react idiotically and disrespectfully by those who are willing to step outside the box of comfortability. The creator of the alphabet was unknown but its was said that everyone made fun of him and was shame by everyone in his village. He stayed in his house  and created the earliest verison of the alphabet show on the left. Even though he was laughed at he mind his buisness and continued enhancing and developing the alphabet we have today. Which is now something we use everyday and may use for the rest of our life until telepathy is created.  

It was important for Don Haskins to think different because he knew blacks were just as good as whites maybe even better but no one would take them serious.If they didnt talk themsevles seriously no one would. So thats why he wanted them to try there best and was so serious on them. If he let them do whatever they wanted to they would just be framed as the usual trouble making blacks that the whites saw them as.


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