Wednesday, March 27, 2013

St. Patrick Day

Patrick was born in AD 387 and was British. He was captured by the Irish in his teens and taken to Ireland, where he was enslaved for six years. During that time, he grew to like the spirit of the Irish. When he escaped and returned to his family, he vowed to one day return to Ireland.

Patrick went back to Ireland to convert the old religion into Christians  the really didn't want to convert and  feared Patrick and Christianity. King Laoghaire didn't convert to Christianity, many of his family members didthe old religion soon began to fade. Patrick traveled from town to town, tearing down idols and temples and establishing the Catholic Church. By AD 444, the primatial see and first cathedral of Ireland were built. 

He baptized, confirmed, and ordained priests, and he erected schools and monasteries. Thousands came into the Church under his direction. The whole island nation of Ireland was converted in just 30 years. Toward the end of his life, he wrote Confessions in which he gives a record of his life and mission. He died on March 17, 461, of natural causes. 


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