Thursday, October 25, 2012

Bubble Wraped

 Chris McCandless is saying that people spend there lives suffering because of things like the government and family. He also said that having protection and comfort is more dangerous to someone with a wild spirit. Lastly Chris believed that the joy in life is not the destination it is the adventure and experiences you encounter to get there. I do not think Chris was 100% right about this because I feel as though people to feel some conformity or security. On the other hand, I agree that the joy in life is not what you do is how you get there. If you are given things in life like money you are not really going to learn how to earn it and how it feels to come from the bottom to the top.

Chris lived by his rule in every way. In the movie “Into the Wild” there was a small part where a man ask if Chris if he had a warrant for the gun he had in Alaska, He responded by saying I don’t need the government knowing I have a gun. That was just one of many ways he show how he lives by the security and conformity part of his quote. He also went all the way to Alaska so I would count him to enjoy danger and excitement through the journey. Lastly, he absolutely loved doing this and he didn't stay in the same place for too long because if he did that’s like starting a life over again.

My whole life is conduct by security and conformity, whether it is the government or my mother overly protecting me or even teachers telling us we cant go to the bathroom. No matter where we go or where look our lives are being wrapped in bubble wrap. One time my mom would not let me walk to the store which basically right across the street. But there came a time where I said mom I KNOW HOW TO CROSS THE STREET PLEASE STOP. Sooner or later we all break out the conform stage in life and became your own man or women. I think if I every met Chris McCandless he would encourage me to become a free spirit and stop following society or something along those terms.


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