Wednesday, November 14, 2012

At Home but Still feel Homeless

           I can remember just sitting on the couch as the flickering lights of the news flash in my face. Thinking what a this storm is just going to be like hurricane Irene, I remember hearing my uncle say, " They make up storms so we can spend our money on supplies." I just laughed at his conspiracy theories. My mom got a text that my cousin is staying at the
Jersey Shore because his mom was being stubborn and didn't want to leave and he couldn't just leave here there so he decided to stay. Through most of the weather we just sat there waiting for a text, a call, or anything from my cousin. We all just kept charging our phone to hear back from anyone.
          Around 3:00 on the 14th of November the lights started flickering on and off while my sisters watched bad girls club. When the lights eventually did turn off they were so angry that they didn't get to finish. We invited my uncle to stay with us and we just talked. It felt as though we were all in a game and   our fun bar was running low. I just remember drawing and playing card games most of the time. We ran out of food because it got spoiled quickly and my fridge was literally empty. We also had to wait in line for a three hour line for gas, but lucky my sister worked at Hess.It really didn't help that everyone else on my street had power but me and a neighbor.
I visit tons of family that did have power or a generator so I can at least charge my phone. I never felt closer with my family then I did during these pass few weeks. We all sat together and ate; no one was walking to different places of the house. We played tons of games as a family and everyone was helping each other. On the news I didn't really hear any gang shoot outs, or kidnapping or anything during sandy. It is true that we come together through the worst of times.


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