Friday, September 28, 2012

Lost In Paridise

Puerto Rico map
Loading up the boat wasn't that easy. I've been planning to get away from this New Jersey lifestyle for 5 years now. Gathering the right supplies, what I would do, where I would go, and how I would get there. Their being something I can call peace or home. I thought the best place to go is where I felt the happiest. So Puerto Rico which is right underneath Florida is where I went.
          As I begin my journey I check for everything. My fishing rod, the first aid kit, canteen full of water, journal, camera, and the starter food. When I check everything off I pushed my boat into the water, and started the motor and away we went. It took about a month to get to Puerto Rico because I ran out of gas and had to paddle the rest. Through that time I was surviving off of my fishing skill and my bag of food. When I got their all my food was basically gone, fishing rod broken, and canteen was empty but I was still here.
           I thought the best place to go was my uncles abandon house. So I picked enough fruits from the nearest tree to fill my bag and began to walk. I took me about a week to get to my uncle's house because their wasn't too many people fond of hitchhiking. I met two very nice people, one lady and one man. The lady gave a bottle water and plate full of rice. They both didn't last long but I still appreciated it. The man gave me some old boots that didn't fit me well and a survival knife kit. In exchange I gave them each one hell of a story.
                 I can’t remember what day it is but I still feel great. I found an entrance to my uncle’s abandon house through a broken window in the back. The night was cold with only a small fire in the chimney, but I didn't mind.  The next day I come to find that my neighbors are leaving for vacation leaving their farm behind. I really didn't want to steal food but I was so hungry I think I lost 20 pounds.

                 As soon as they leave I jump the fence and climb up a tree. I made sure to pick enough food to last me about 2 days.  As I’m climbing down the tree a lizard jumps up and bites me on the hand. I lost my grip of the branch and stumbled off the tree hitting my head on a rock. 
                 The next thing I know I awoke to a dog licking my face. As I cleared out my eyes, i discovered that I'm in a breath taking cove. Unable to walk I found myself helpless. Coming towards me was a dog with something in his mouth. He comes to me and  drops an apple from his mouth right net to me. Sadly I knew and I think the dog knew that wasn't enough for me to survive here.

                  I sit there thinking of how to get out of this mess. As time wined down I realized there was nothing I could have done. I took the rest of my time looking at the beautiful colors against the walls and the fishes jumping in and out of the water. Then I suddenly realized as I took my last breath that journey was now over. I have finally found peace within myself.


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