Futuristic Tropical City

Have you ever wonder how would life be in the future. Flying Cars, Floating Islands, maybe even a Tropical Paradise of the Future. The possibility was endless, well this all change when we all did a little growing up.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


The play fences by August Wilson takes place in the 1950s in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.     In 1950, Truman started development of the Hydrogen Bomb also there was an assasination attempt on President Truman by Puerto Rican nationalist. The 22nd Amendment to the US Constitution limited the number of terms a president can have. 56million people watch...

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

St. Patrick Day

Patrick was born in AD 387 and was British. He was captured by the Irish in his teens and taken to Ireland, where he was enslaved for six years. During that time, he grew to like the spirit of the Irish. When he escaped and returned to his family, he vowed to one day return to Ireland. Patrick went back to Ireland to convert the old religion into Christians ...

Thursday, March 14, 2013

¡ʇuɹǝɟɟıp buıʞuıɥʇ

People generally react idiotically and disrespectfully by those who are willing to step outside the box of comfortability. The creator of the alphabet was unknown but its was said that everyone made fun of him and was shame by everyone in his village. He stayed in his house  and created the earliest verison of the alphabet show on the left. Even though he was...

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Heart Breaks & Remakes

We celebrate Valentine's Day, because a man named Saint Valentine. He was a priest in the 3rd century who performed secret marriages when the Roman Emperor Claudius II thought single soldiers were more likely to enlist in the army. Emperor Claudius thought if the soliders didnt have a loved one waiting for them or worring for the solider they would more likely stay in the...

Monday, February 11, 2013


Monday: Is like a person just wakes up and go to jail for no reason at all. Everyone is looking at you as if they were going to kill you and you already know its going to be a bad day. You have no friends to help you through this and you just got to survive the day. Tuesday: Is the tough guy that is getting his day brighten by a random stranger. Sadly the stranger...

Monday, February 4, 2013

Simile & Metaphor

Simile: Describing a person or object using like or as. Similes are important because it helps make images in a persons head. Similes  show how two things that are not alike in most ways are similar in one important way. FireworkBy: Katy Perry Do you ever feel like a plastic bagDrifting through the wind, wanting to start again?Do you ever feel, feel...

Thursday, January 24, 2013


The promise land is no longer a white cloud but has become a new array of color! Dr. King once said, " We as a people will get to the promise land." Martin Luther King believed that all men and women will get into there own Utopia. It will be a creation that people of this universe will make themselves. Dr. King would be proud of the fact that he accomplished...