The promise land is no longer a white cloud but has become a new array of color! Dr. King once said, " We as a people will get to the promise land." Martin Luther King believed that all men and women will get into there own Utopia. It will be a creation that people of this universe will make themselves. Dr. King would be proud of the fact that he accomplished the peoples goal of being able to sit next each other and use the same things etc. But he will also be dissapointed of the fact we took advantage of this.

Dr. King would feel proud of the fact that we as people have accomplished the rewriting of laws. If he went into our classroom he would be proud of all the kids sitting side by side in random order, and it didn't have to matter if you were Asian, white, black, Spanish etc. He would also feel proud that we have today an African American President. Furthermore, he would feel proud that we have advanced into a world where the people truly have the power. We have also advanced into a world where we can stretch our boundaries and explore different aspects of the world and life to chose our own path.
Sadly, for the most part i believe Dr.King would feel dissapointed with our society today. Now a days you hear two of the same races fighting just because someone looked at another. He would be greatly dissapointed with all the "freedom of speech" music we have today and hearing the younger generations vocabulary. Also the effort being put forth for most people would make Dr.King forlorn. Back then it was a privilege to get into a school and get an education. The fact that sagging contributes to this doesn't help the situation. He also wouldn't approve the killings of Iraq i think he would have liked to fight peacefully. Lastly with the fact that kids have the choice to sit anywhere and they choose to sit with there little groups.
Personally, i feel Dr.King would feel this way because of his high elegant. He would want killing between one another because he was more of a peacemaker. According to today's music its ran by the devil. All the message he would have to find out something and feel what have we done to this world. He would greatly would frown upon sagging because of what it is, mean, and where it came from. Dr.king dresses himself with the up most dignity he wouldn't like to see another saying nice underwear color It would make him feel did he really make the right choice. Would this all be different if he didn't do what he did?
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