Futuristic Tropical City

Have you ever wonder how would life be in the future. Flying Cars, Floating Islands, maybe even a Tropical Paradise of the Future. The possibility was endless, well this all change when we all did a little growing up.

Prehistoric Times are Forever Over

Just imagine what would we do without technology. No more computerize entertainment, traveling is changed, video games gone, cellphones/ facebook are not in the way of people talking face to face, and forget about the new generation of music.

Boundaries were Broken

Most people that it was impossible to go to space. Actually some geniuses said it was impossible to go into space. It just show we humans can make or do almost anything.

What will we create Next

The world has created so many things what will we do next.

All great Creation comes with a Price

Sadly all these great things are hurting our world. People think that what they do isn't hurting them. Also just because they make a lot of money off one thing means that by the time pollution takes a big impact they'll be dead.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Bubble Wraped

 Chris McCandless is saying that people spend there lives suffering because of things like the government and family. He also said that having protection and comfort is more dangerous to someone with a wild spirit. Lastly Chris believed that the joy in life is not the destination it is the adventure and experiences you encounter to get there. I do not think Chris was 100% right about this because I feel as though people to feel some conformity or security. On the other hand, I agree that the joy in life is not what you do is how you get there. If you are given things in life like money you are not really going to learn how to earn it and how it feels to come from the bottom to the top.

Chris lived by his rule in every way. In the movie “Into the Wild” there was a small part where a man ask if Chris if he had a warrant for the gun he had in Alaska, He responded by saying I don’t need the government knowing I have a gun. That was just one of many ways he show how he lives by the security and conformity part of his quote. He also went all the way to Alaska so I would count him to enjoy danger and excitement through the journey. Lastly, he absolutely loved doing this and he didn't stay in the same place for too long because if he did that’s like starting a life over again.

My whole life is conduct by security and conformity, whether it is the government or my mother overly protecting me or even teachers telling us we cant go to the bathroom. No matter where we go or where look our lives are being wrapped in bubble wrap. One time my mom would not let me walk to the store which basically right across the street. But there came a time where I said mom I KNOW HOW TO CROSS THE STREET PLEASE STOP. Sooner or later we all break out the conform stage in life and became your own man or women. I think if I every met Chris McCandless he would encourage me to become a free spirit and stop following society or something along those terms.

Poems by Moem, Hey That Rhymned

Leather Tramp's Lament

Awake in the morning with dew on my boots
Without a person in sight, a day fresh and new
Lace up my boots, another day on the trail
Pack on my back, another drifter without a care
My thumbs my companion, the road is my only friend
The traveling song on my lips can see me till the end
Cars pass me by, I can see the drivers' desperation
But it matters little to me, it's the trip, not the destination
I could walk all day, with my boots keeping the beat
To the song in my heart, taking in everything I see
Where will I sleep tonight, a field or a shack?
I don't really care, cause my home is on my back
This poem is trying to show and describe to people the life of a leather tramp, and what fun is ahead.This basically sums up the life of Christopher McCandless after 1990. He did and i think thought everything that this poem describes. He always hitch hiking and he really doesn't care much where he is going. Chris also doesn't cares too much of what happens around him because through this travel he always feel at home and accepted by himself.

Palm Trees Refrain

Yellowing palms set against
the clear blue sky.
Changing from nile green to chartreuse
as their ailments progress.

Is it the sickly air they breathe?
Is it an imported virus?
Is it polluted water?
Or, is it the insane weather pattern?

That is something
only the palms know.
But do they tell?
Never, for they are not physicians.

This is part of a poem called Palm Trees Refrain. This poem really talks about how Alex got lost in the river. It showed how the scenery was so beautiful at first and it became so dull. When Alex first started his adventure through the river into mexico he described everything he had seen so vividly. Afterwards, he became extreamly angry and scared while he was lost in mexico. He found himself alone in a polluted swamp type area which the poem describes. I know this poem was suppose to be about palm trees but i think it a great way to describe Alex's sights in the river.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Doing What it Takes to Stay on Top

Rapture in the Deep is a story about an accident during a dive or so they say... I believe the death of Audrey Mestre was no accident. It was the chance for her husband Pipin Ferreras to remain number one. Everyone knew that Audrey could dive deeper and hold her breath longer than Pipin. Even he knew this himself. Scared that his wife would break the record he panicked and tampered with her equipment.

Pipin Ferreras was an extraordinary man with an enormous amount talent. When he was a child he wasn't able to walk and decided to jump into water unattended. He was able to swim before he could even walk. So what I’m saying is he is amazingly good swimmer. So good in fact he set a world record for deepest free dive and broke his own record. He was really competitive about his record and didn't want anyone else to break his record. Not to mention he was pretty good with the ladies.

While Audrey was attempting to break her husband’s record, she was going down to break his record she had reach the balloon that should have hauled her up.  Instead the balloon didn't haul her up.  She had a sad death doing what she loved. Before all of this was happening Pipin was the man at the seen of all the equipment. A duty which his crew usually does with him instead he forced them to leave him to it. He opened the valves and closed them after he heard the hiss of air. Forgetting to check the pressure gauge. Another crucial evidence is that Pipin was rooting for his with to go deeper that she has ever done before. Pipin before the years had a lot of relationships and was hoping from one lady to another. If Audrey was one of those quick second ladies, for Pipin to play with is for you to decide.