Futuristic Tropical City

Have you ever wonder how would life be in the future. Flying Cars, Floating Islands, maybe even a Tropical Paradise of the Future. The possibility was endless, well this all change when we all did a little growing up.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


The promise land is no longer a white cloud but has become a new array of color! Dr. King once said, " We as a people will get to the promise land." Martin Luther King believed that all men and women will get into there own Utopia. It will be a creation that people of this universe will make themselves. Dr. King would be proud of the fact that he accomplished...

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The AMAZING world of Hyperboles -_-

Hyperboles is commonly known as an exaggeration. According to to dictionary.com a hyperbole is a obvious and intentional exaggeration or an overstatement. I personally believe that a hyperbole is someone that kind of stretches the truth to an extent that makes it unbelievable. But some hyperboles became true; For example Man...