Futuristic Tropical City

Have you ever wonder how would life be in the future. Flying Cars, Floating Islands, maybe even a Tropical Paradise of the Future. The possibility was endless, well this all change when we all did a little growing up.

Prehistoric Times are Forever Over

Just imagine what would we do without technology. No more computerize entertainment, traveling is changed, video games gone, cellphones/ facebook are not in the way of people talking face to face, and forget about the new generation of music.

Boundaries were Broken

Most people that it was impossible to go to space. Actually some geniuses said it was impossible to go into space. It just show we humans can make or do almost anything.

What will we create Next

The world has created so many things what will we do next.

All great Creation comes with a Price

Sadly all these great things are hurting our world. People think that what they do isn't hurting them. Also just because they make a lot of money off one thing means that by the time pollution takes a big impact they'll be dead.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Crab and Turtle War

Long ago in Christmas Island, Australia the island was claimed by Lord Brad the crab and his colony of red crabs. Before he came, you can see all the beautiful green and yellow palm trees, the waves washing up the shore so calmly, and all the perfectly placed rock formation through out the island. All the animals were getting along, and the tourist loved the area. Everything was going perfectly.

Sadly, Lord Brad and his colony evaded the area in 1982. With claws sharpened and shells hardened they went through the city. Marching one by one they chopped down almost every tree as if they were toothpick. Of course the animals tried to defend there land, but the crabs were over powered and came in such high numbers. In 1983 the island gave up to the all mighty army of red crabs and Brad the crab became Lord of the island. Every year though on October all the crabs are weak because of there migration to the beach to populate more crabs.

Years has passed and you can say things has advance. Its the year 2025 and everything has change. Civilization now has hover cars of course, jet packs for all sizes runny from baby to senior, and animals can now talk!  The most important of all is plans to overthrow Lord Brad is under way. Now that animals can communicate with other species, the Red-footed Boobies have been sending distress calls to the Turtle Squad.
File:Red-footed booby.jpg

This letter from 2012 states

Dear Sergeant Squirtle,
we need your help the crabs they are starting to reach millions, our food supply is almost out, and trees are nearly gone. We need your help come fast. There is not much time left for us here, all the animals that are able to swim or fly will be evacuating soon. You guys are our last hope. S.O.S

Red-Footed Boobies

In 2013 the turtle squad had came and built a huge underwater base. Some how for turtles they really fast. They also managed to keep most of the trees alive through the journey. The Red-Footed Boobies still awaited for there rise to the surface but it just seemed as if they weren't doing anything. They didn't know that Sergeant Squirtle and his tech crew has been advancing there weaponry and armor. Now the moment has come.

 On October 2025, the crabs gathered together on the beach as they always do on October. Just multiplying to almost the billions now. If their eggs are able to hatch this year there is no stopping them now. Meanwhile,  Lord Squirtle was giving his war speech saying, " I would like to thank everyone of you for coming to fight this battle. I have never met a stronger crew then you guys. I'm going to be honest with you soldiers, the odds are against us, and most of might not come  back alive. But i know we have the courage, and the heart, and the weapons to win this battle! So who's with me! The crew answered, " Hora!"

As the turtles begin to gear up in all there armor and weapons, the crabs just stood there waiting and planning as if they knew he was coming. The underwater base began to move and lift up into the land. Once it reached land the doors opened and it was just silence. Then a large roar from both sides saying, "CHARGE!" came and both teams stampeding toward each other. Some turtles stayed back and shot there cannons. They were going out one by one so quickly that you can grab bowl and have a seafood soup in seconds. The crabs cut through the shells of turtle so quickly. Turtles shot there guns and squash the crabs with their shells. It was the battle of the century.

After ours of fighting there was only two left, (one crab one turtle) this last move would decide the fait for the whole island. Nobody moves, nobody breaths, and nobody even blinks. They slowly move toward each other. They look at each other fearsomely and in a quick second and they just shake hands. This ended the war of centuries.

Years later the crab and the turtle get married. The whole island went to the wedding, and afterwards the got a little of there freak on. They eventually made babies and now the island is covered with hermit crabs. They all get along nicely, the tourist and animals came back, and all the trees are back to normal. It is now the perfect island everyone knows and love.

The End
The End

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

At Home but Still feel Homeless

           I can remember just sitting on the couch as the flickering lights of the news flash in my face. Thinking what a this storm is just going to be like hurricane Irene, I remember hearing my uncle say, " They make up storms so we can spend our money on supplies." I just laughed at his conspiracy theories. My mom got a text that my cousin is staying at the
Jersey Shore because his mom was being stubborn and didn't want to leave and he couldn't just leave here there so he decided to stay. Through most of the weather we just sat there waiting for a text, a call, or anything from my cousin. We all just kept charging our phone to hear back from anyone.
          Around 3:00 on the 14th of November the lights started flickering on and off while my sisters watched bad girls club. When the lights eventually did turn off they were so angry that they didn't get to finish. We invited my uncle to stay with us and we just talked. It felt as though we were all in a game and   our fun bar was running low. I just remember drawing and playing card games most of the time. We ran out of food because it got spoiled quickly and my fridge was literally empty. We also had to wait in line for a three hour line for gas, but lucky my sister worked at Hess.It really didn't help that everyone else on my street had power but me and a neighbor.
I visit tons of family that did have power or a generator so I can at least charge my phone. I never felt closer with my family then I did during these pass few weeks. We all sat together and ate; no one was walking to different places of the house. We played tons of games as a family and everyone was helping each other. On the news I didn't really hear any gang shoot outs, or kidnapping or anything during sandy. It is true that we come together through the worst of times.